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Recruitment is a lot less stressful if you're prepared for the days to come! Here's a little overview of what each day of Recruitment will look like in the Alpha Phi house.

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open house videos

Get to know us as a chapter, our values, and a sneak peak of our Chapter Home!

round 2


Let's talk business! Come learn a little about the American Heart Association the Alpha Phi Foundation and show us what you are passionate about!

round 1


Alpha Phi is built on sisterhood and we want to share with you why our sisterhood is so important to us! 


preference night

Get a glimpse of Alpha Phi's unique ritual and strengthen your bonds with us. Tonight you will make your decision!

day 5

Bid day!

Bid day: BEST day! We welcome home our new sisters with open arms and celebrate Alpha Phi!

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Be yourself! We want to get to know the real you, don't be afraid to show off your beautiful and unique self!

Get serious rest! This week is full of long days and late nights, so make sure you're getting plenty of sleep and taking care of yourself.

Utilize your Recruitment Counselors! You will be guided through the week by your RC, who has been trained by Panhellenic to ensure you have the best week possible. 

Have fun! This is the most important rule. You'll be making a big decision this week, but hopefully it will be an easy one. Remember, we're more nervous than you are!

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