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Eta Kappa Alpha Phi is #1 in...

"Outstanding Performance in Primary Recruitment" at Alpha Phi’s 73rd Biennial Convention!"


Visit here to find out more about the UC Irvine Panhellenic recruitment process!


Alpha Phi's legacy policy


Want to recommend a potential new member? 

Please submit recommendation letters for Fall Formal Recruitment to:



For more information please contact our Vice President of Recruitment, Sophia Parker, at




           Hello! My name is Sophia Grace Parker, the vice president of membership recruitment. I’m so stoked for all of you to take this opportunity of finding a home away from home. When going through primary recruitment three years ago, I never envisioned myself where I am now. I have created friendships with a Chapter full of caring individuals, littles who are my forever family and been given opportunities to grow myself into the strong individual I am today.

          Alpha Phi has given me an outlet to be vibrantly authentic to who I am while growing from experiences with members who have unique backgrounds. I hope you all leave primary recruitment with amazing friendships and a home that uplifts you as much as Alpha Phi has done for me.




Sophia Parker

Vice President of Recruitment

becoming an alpha phi!

An inside scoop on the first seven weeks of the beginning of your journey in this unforgettable and lifelong sisterhood!

bid day

Welcome to Alpha Phi! Bid Day is always filled with smiles, laughter and excitement. Today you meet your new member educator!

meeting ivy linkers

Get to know active members better by hanging out with a different person each week. This helps campus feel a bit smaller too!

big little week

All week you will receive anonymous gifts from your big sis. At the end of the week you are revealed to each other and meet your Alpha Phi family!


A week of chapter bonding and preparation for the new members to initiate into a life-long sisterhood, when they will officially become active members of Alpha Phi. 

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